While there are so many Rubbers approved by ITTF that can be compared as an alternative to Tenergy, there is always a possibility that a player will continue to be inclined towards Tenergy. Let’s see Why..
The sheer fact that Tenergy was introduced in 2008 and is still used by most of the top players in the world, talks about it’s greatness. Before we dwell much further, let’s first check to see what players think as “Alternatives” for Tenergy.
Alternatives for Tenergy 05 (not necessarily compared in any particular order):
Donic Bluefire M2: This rubber from Donic is a very close alternative for Tenergy 05! In terms of SPIN, the Bluefire is as good as Tenergy 05, except that the technique of getting the same spin on both rubbers are slightly different. In terms of SPEED and TRAJECTORY, M2 is very close to Tenergy 05’s speed, making it one of the best alternative rubber to Tenergy 05.
Xiom Omega V Euro: This rubber is one more good alternative for Tenergy 05. The surface of this rubber has an extremely high grip, which is almost to that of Tenergy 05, which gives it a very good SPIN. However, Euro V doesn’t come too close to Tenergy 05 in terms of SPEED and TRAJECTORY.
Victas V>15 Extra: This rubber is a surprise entrant to be an alternative to Tenergy 05. This rubber is preferred by a lot of Japanese and Korean players due to it’s price, performance and durability. While this rubber doesn’t come too close to Tenergy 05 in terms of SPIN, it’s SPEED is much higher compared to Tenergy 05. However, the TRAJECTORY is lower in comparison with Tenergy 05.
Andro R47: The best of the Rasanter series R47 is also a good alternative to Tenergy 05. Although it doesn’t come too close to Tenergy 05 in terms of SPIN, it is equal (if not more) in terms of SPEED. The trajectory of the R47 is also not too close to Tenergy 05.
There are a few more rubbers like Tibhar MXS/MXP, TSP Ventus Spin/Speed, Stiga Pro DNA, etc, which might be looked as an alternative to Tenergy 05, however we will not get deep into their qualities as of now.
Now, coming back to the question “Why Players Prefer Tenergy??”. From the above comparison, it is to be noted that the alternative rubbers come very close to Tenergy, but they are still not close enough to match the great combination of Spin, Speed and Trajectory that the Tenergy Series provides.
Conclusion: The alternative rubbers can come close to deliver the qualities of Tenergy series, but are not able to match the great combination of all it’s features to give the players everything they need for a great game.
But, the conclusion itself doesn’t mean that everyone should use Tenergy. It only means that Tenergy is a different class by itself and is a great benchmark for other brands to come up with better products. Also, Tenergy may not suit everyone and some players may prefer a different combination that suits them better as per their style of play.